Company Category: International FMCG
Challenging Problem: The client worked with an internationally aligned creative and media agency, which despite all efforts of the client, and the verbal support of the agency, had not been able to implement a truly effective regional approach to strategic and creative development.
Creative Solution: TrinityP3 used the Evalu8ing multiple stakeholder survey system between the various offices within the region of the client, creative and media agency to ascertain the current level of collaboration and co-operation between each of these groups.
The results were then reported and found that while the brand teams across the region shared information, the agencies were not as effective in this space, especially between the creative and media agencies.
Timeline: The whole process took 4 weeks.
Result and feedback: The reports were shared with the agencies in each market and the agencies undertook to develop more rigorous and disciplined approaches to sharing information within the network. The client decided to reward the agencies financially for delivering this more collaborative approach based on improvement in future survey rounds.