Agency New Business – Insights

With competition in the marketing industry becoming increasingly fierce, it is essential for agencies to have a strong new business strategy in place to secure new clients and maintain steady growth.

This section contains resources covering a range of topics related to agency new business including how to differentiate your agency from competitors and how to build strong relationships with potential clients.

You can find more information on agency growth advisory here or explore more details and insights below.

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Managing Marketing: The Challenges Of The Trade Media

Arvind Hickman is the features and analysis editor of B&T, a marketing trade media title. He is a journalist and ...
Managing Marketing: The State Of The Advertising Industry

Managing Marketing: The State Of The Advertising Industry

Sean Cummins, founder and creative strategist at Cummins&Partners, returns to the Managing Marketing podcast eight years later to share his ...
Managing Marketing: The Birth Of A New Agency, Inhibitors And Enablers In Modern Advertising And The New World Order

Managing Marketing: The Birth Of A New Agency, Inhibitors And Enablers In Modern Advertising And The New World Order

Laura Aldington, Jon Austin and Simone Gupta are also known as Supermassive, the new agency launched recently and with a ...
Why we practice radical candor in providing pitch feedback

Why we practice radical candor in providing pitch feedback

One of the great frustrations for agencies for agencies, beyond coming second is the lack of constructive feedback during and ...
Managing Marketing: How To Build A Kick-Ass Advertising Agency

Managing Marketing: How To Build A Kick-Ass Advertising Agency

Peter Levitan is an agency whisperer with experience managing the world’s largest advertising agency, building his own agency, founding two ...
Managing Marketing: Agency Trends At The New York City AdForum

Managing Marketing: Agency Trends At The New York City AdForum

Jeremy Taylor, Managing Director, TrinityP3 UK, and host Gina Larter, Business Director, TrinityP3 UK, recently attended the AdForum Consultant Summit ...
Why we provide pitch advice to both agencies and marketing suppliers

Why we provide pitch advice to both agencies and marketing suppliers

For more than two decades, we have had the privilege of being in the centre of the action as our ...
Agency Sizzle Reels – Potent Sales Tools, or Seriously Muddled Stories?

Agency Sizzle Reels – Potent Sales Tools, or Seriously Muddled Stories?

The human brain processes images 60,000 times faster than text, which justifies using imagery.  However, the brains of the person ...
Why the hidden OUCH! Factor cost of advertising agency pitching is not financial

Why the hidden OUCH! Factor cost of advertising agency pitching is not financial

If you have not seen the OUCH! Factor research, it is definitely worthwhile to watch the Mumbrella360 Short video here ...

If your agency cannot be different, then at least try to be distinctive

Like that scene from the 1979 Monty Python film, Life of Brian, “we are all individuals, we are all different” ...
Are agency people embarrassed about how they make their living?

Are agency people embarrassed about how they make their living?

Jeremy Taylor spent a week in May 2021 attending the AdForum Consultants Forum, on the receiving end of nine full ...
Should agencies adhere to the same ethical, environmental and social standards their clients do?

Should agencies adhere to the same ethical, environmental and social standards their clients do?

Corporate values, like corporate purpose, is a hot topic. Doing good is considered by many to be good for business, ...
Punk vs Legacy – the rise of the new agency generation

Punk vs Legacy – the rise of the new agency generation

2020 has seen a notable rise in the fortunes of a new generation of independent advertising agencies around the world ...
Is procurement standing in the way of independent agencies winning larger clients?

Is procurement standing in the way of independent agencies winning larger clients?

This is a trend that has been on the rise for more than a year. But one that appeared to ...
'Non-proactive’ is a major factor in wanting to change agencies. But what does it really mean?

‘Non-proactive’ is a major factor in wanting to change agencies. But what does it really mean?

One of the reasons that regularly come up to justify wanting to change agencies is that the incumbent agency is ...
Ad agencies are great storytellers for their clients, but can the global agency networks tell their own stories?

Ad agencies are great storytellers for their clients, but can the global agency networks tell their own stories?

TrinityP3 was invited by AdForum to attend a series of webinars in July 2020 in which each of the major ...
Why agencies should consider their clients like an investment portfolio

Why agencies should consider their clients like an investment portfolio

It is a constant surprise, when I suggest to agency management that their clients are like an investment portfolio, and ...
Who really wins at advertising creative award shows?

Who really wins at advertising creative award shows?

This is the next in a series of one-minute videos that address one of the many complex challenges facing marketing, media ...
Top 10 tips for winning new business – Infographic

Top 10 tips for winning new business – Infographic

Winning new business is the life-blood of any advertising agency. Driving growth, bringing on new clients and energising the agency ...
Poor Agency Rich Consultant

Can management consultants teach ‘value’ to the advertising agencies?

It is interesting to see how the advertising industry has reacted to the recent acquisition play of the management consultant ...
art of saying no

The art of saying no to clients without feeling guilty

We all want to be liked. It is human nature to crave acceptance and feel we belong. It is possible ...
Personality Types

25 client and agency personality types that will influence relationships

In advertising, marketing and media there is a lot of discussion on the management and optimisation of the client / ...
Agency Website Failures1

How agency websites are failing in their new business efforts

We were recently engaged to assist a client undertake a search for agencies across a number of markets outside of ...
Getting A Foot In The Door

An easier way for an agency to get a foot in the door for new business

This week at the TrinityP3 offices we were greeted by a direct mail B2B promotional item from an agency wanting to ...
Should your agency be listed in TrinityP3’s Agency Register?

Should your agency be listed in TrinityP3’s Agency Register?

When we started managing agency search projects more than a decade ago it was fairly obvious that we would need ...
A Communications Minefield: 5 things marketers hate hearing from their agencies

A Communications Minefield: 5 things marketers hate hearing from their agencies

We’re all in the communications industry, right? Communication of some form, at least – creating it, planning it, buying it, ...
Why do marketers really fire their agencies?

Why do marketers really fire their agencies?

Human beings are notoriously emotional and often irrational. But we would like to think we are totally rational. Marketers are no ...
How agencies can build stronger relationships with clients: The art of listening

How agencies can build stronger relationships with clients: The art of listening

How many meetings do you sit in where you hear people dropping acronyms, buzz words and BS? Why do people ...
Run Before It Is Too Late

Eight ways to spot a bad client (before it is too late)

An abridged version of this post appeared in Mumbrella Asia on February 26 2014. It appears here in full. You ...