Agency Roster Definition – Insights

Defining an agency roster is an essential component of effective agency management, crucial in ensuring that an organization has the right mix of agencies with the necessary capabilities to achieve its goals.  A well-defined roster ensures that all parties have a clear understanding of the roles and responsibilities of each agency, as well as the expectations for performance and outcomes. This can help to minimize misunderstandings, conflicts, and inefficiencies.

Our resources cover a variety of topics related to roster definition, including what defines an agency roster and how to understand the strengths and weaknesses of each agency.

You can find more information on agency roster alignment practice here or explore more details and insights below.

in-house-agancies (1)

The importance of positioning in-house agencies within your organisation

In-housing of agency services has become ubiquitous in the past decade, with their own industry associations, their own award shows ...
Managing Marketing: Trends In The Design Of Bespoke Agency Solutions

Managing Marketing: Trends In The Design Of Bespoke Agency Solutions

Nathan Hodges, TrinityP3 Managing Director Australia and New Zealand, has spent the last decade assessing and designing agency rosters for ...
Anti-competitive, corporate bully or smart competitive business

Anti-competitive, corporate bully or smart competitive business

There are plenty of advertising agencies. Some may say too many. But in any market, there are always a handful ...
What tier is your advertising agency? What tier advertising agency do you need?

What tier is your advertising agency? What tier advertising agency do you need?

Marketers will often talk about agency tiers when discussing a roster or portfolio of agencies. The issue is that many ...
Why in-house agencies are not really advertising agencies

Why in-house agencies are not really advertising agencies

The ANA recently reported that 80% of their membership had in-house agencies. That is a staggering statistic at face value ...
How many agencies is too many when it comes to roster size?

How many agencies is too many when it comes to roster size?

This is the fourth in a series of one minute videos that address one of the many complex challenges facing marketing, media ...
Marketing Agency Roster

Too many agencies on the roster? Or marketers doing too much with too little?

The conversations from marketers over having too many agencies to manage, as reported from the “All That Matters” conference is ...
Full service agency

Why I’m already sick of the ‘full service agency’ debate

One of my schoolteachers used to tell us ‘never try to go back’. He was quite good at life advice, ...
Is there any difference between an Agency and a Marketing Supplier or Vendor?

Is there any difference between an Agency and a Marketing Supplier or Vendor?

A common question marketers ask us is, “How many agencies are ideal for a roster?” The short answer is “as ...
Village Idiot

Why every agency village usually has an idiot

For many marketing organisations, a diversified roster of specialist agencies can be an extremely effective and appropriate model. Particularly at ...
agency roster

How many agencies do you need on your roster and how do you get there?

This is the second post in the series of TrinityP3 Webinars. I'm here today to answer perhaps one of the ...
What is the role of today’s advertising agency?

What is the role of today’s advertising agency?

Every so often, an attention-grabbing headline pops up in social media proclaiming the death of advertising and ipso facto – ...
Do you want a digital agency or a technology partner?

Do you want a digital agency or a technology partner?

On November 23 last year I spoke at the AIMIA V21 Digital Summit in Melbourne. The topic I was invited ...
Not all client agency relationships are the same

Not all client agency relationships are the same

I was having a conversation with one of my clients last week and they were talking about how it is ...