

Agency Selection: The Pitch Consultant’s Definitive Guide

TrinityP3 has been helping clients with successful agency selection for over 20 years now so it stands to reason that we might know a thing or two about the process. This definitive guide answers every question you are likely to ever have about pitches and agency selection.

Advertising Agency Fees – A Comprehensive Guide for Marketing

How is advertising agency pricing agreed, how do agencies get paid, how should agencies get paid, and is there a better way? For many years, TrinityP3 has worked with marketers and agencies across a variety of projects where pondering these questions and providing answers sit at the heart of challenge and opportunity.

The Ultimate Guide to Digital Marketing in a Data-Driven World

TrinityP3 is proud to share The Ultimate Guide to Digital Marketing in a Data-Driven World. This definitive guide has over 27,000 words featuring insights, tips, observations, tools, platforms, strategies and much more.

TrinityP3 Senior Consultant Anton Buchner is the author of the vast majority of this work with additional input from Founder & Global CEO Darren Woolley and Content Director Mike Morgan.

Marketing Procurement Health Check Guide

The TrinityP3 ‘Marketing Procurement Health Check’ is designed to allow you to chart your marketing procurement capabilities.

The Health Check was developed for TrinityP3 by David Little, Marketing Procurement professional and a long standing colleague and original client of TrinityP3 Marketing Management Consultants.

Over the course of the last five years, as part of our role as an independent adviser on marketing management, TrinityP3 has contributed to the cause with numerous articles, podcastswebinars, newsletters and blog posts.

But the purpose of our TrinityP3 White Paper is to bring together, under one ‘roof’, a selection of work dealing with specific topical issues facing marketing, media, advertising and marketing procurement.

We hope you find these White Papers useful, and we welcome any feedback.


To contact us about how we can work with you, or to discuss a specific tailored project.

Our Latest Podcast:

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Managing Marketing: The Trials And Tribulations Of An Advertising Recruiter

Belinda Lodge is the founder and CEO of iPopulate, a well-known recruitment agency for advertising professionals. In a frank and wide-ranging discussion, Belinda and Ellie talk about bootstrapping a business with $400 and a milk crate, what a good recruitment consultant can bring to the table, and how perception of ...