
Evalu8ing provides a number of resources on a range of topics in order to help solve a range of business problems or help you to introduce Evalu8ing within your organisation – order yours here.

White Papers

Evalu8ing prepares White Papers on a number of topics in order to help solve a range of business problems – order yours here.

  • Evalu8ing Benchmarking Performance
  • Evalu8ing Performance Score For PBR
  • Evalu8ing Supplier Case Study


Introduce the concept of Evalu8ing within your organisation, or explain the benefits of Evalu8ing to a range of different users, with our range of presentations.

  • Evalu8ing Sample Report
  • Evalu8ing Agency Relationships with Clients
  • Evalu8ing Agency Suppliers for Marketers
  • Evalu8ing for Marketing and Procurement Consultants
  • Evalu8ing Internal Organisation Alignment
  • Evalu8ing Regional and Global Alignment

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    Pre Survey Resources

    Here is a suite of Evalu8ing guides and templates to make collating your information and setting up your first survey easy. Or click here for our FAQ’s
    Evalu8ing Set up Guide – Short & Sweet
    Evalu8ing Managers Guide – Highly Detailed
    Evalu8ing Participants Guide
    Evalu8ing Pre Survey Details excel
    Evalu8ing Complete set of Questions excel
    Evalu8ing Bulk Upload File excel


    Ready to get started?

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    [mkdf_button size=”large” type=”solid” hover_type=”solid” icon_pack=”font_awesome” fa_icon=”fa-paperclip” font_weight=”600″ text=”Find Out More” margin=”10px 0px 0px 0px” hover_background_color=”#ffffff” hover_color=”#40bbec” hover_border_color=”#40bbec” color=”#ffffff” background_color=”#40bbec” border_color=”#ffffff” font_size=”18″ link=””]