Creating and nurturing high performing teams, be that across your organization or with your agencies and suppliers, is essential for delivering high performing marketing outcomes. But it does not happen by accident or abdication; it happens by design. A program of defining objectives and aligning roles and responsibilities is essential in creating the positive culture necessary for collaboration to flourish.
Our high-performance team approach is based on creating alignment across strategy, structure, capabilities, and process supporting a high-performing culture, which you can explore in detail here:
You can find more information on creating high performing marketing and agency teams here or explore more details and insights below.

Tails wagging dogs: when process eats away at culture

5 steps to overcome internal marketing team non-alignment

When an agency transforms from a vendor into a partner

What happens when an agency bites off more than it can chew?

Are advertiser’s practices stopping their agencies from becoming more efficient?

Bringing marketing and corporate comms together around social media

Agency DEI policies are great. Now how about improving advertising output to match?

Restructuring your marketing department – the five challenges

The Conundrum of the Client Head – To Client Service, or to Client Leadership?

How to manage high performing agency relationships

How to get a fast start to your first 90 days in the role (or the new strategy)

Is the client / agency marriage metaphor past its use by date?

Is decision making overload causing poor marketing decisions?

How healthy is your brand within it’s ecosystem?

3 ways to put more efficient marketing process into effective practice

Simplify the complexity of all your marketing activity

Is your brand strong on the inside as well as on the outside?

The marketing plan/budget….when does it cease being a plan, or just a budget and start to become reality?

How Companies Can Achieve Cross-Functional Integration to Improve Marketing Performance

Why business needs to radically rethink marketing structures

Better collaboration does not mean collaboration meetings

Book Review: Team of Teams by General Stanley McChrystal

The truth about Agile Marketing is it is not simply faster

Does your marketing structure support your marketing strategy anymore?

Is the structure of your marketing team hindering its success?

When is agile marketing not Agile Marketing?

Top 10 Tips For Agency Briefings – Infographic

Marc Prichard, the low creative ratio at your agencies is not their fault, it’s yours

7 ways you might be demotivating your existing agencies