Global paid media advertising is a trillion dollar a year business, and it’s a business of contradictions. There are many excellent agencies in the market, yet the category is beset with major challenges and issues and rife with advice and opinions from those with a vested interest in the continued investment in the category. These are complex issues, made even more complex by the ever-changing nature of media.
Our media industry advisory provides an independent, objective and informed perspective on the issues facing media and the options available to advertisers and their agencies, which you can explore in more detail here:
You can find more information on our media industry advisory service here or explore more details and insights below.

Navigating Media Mix Models, Marketing Mix Models and Multi-touch Attribution Models

Media Agencies and the ACCC – We’re Way Beyond ‘Education’

Why it is time to recalibrate, reboot and rebuild advertisers’ relationships with programmatic

What type of trust have we lost in media, marketing and advertising?

How effectively are you managing your digital marketing?

Going beyond words with Media Agency Transparency

It’s not who’s to blame for media transparency, it’s who can fix it

Important questions before taking media in-house

Who’s to blame for the current digital media mess? We all are.

Top 10 tips to ensure media transparency – Infographic

Top 10 ways to minimise the risk of appearing in court for misleading or deceptive advertising – Infographic

Media transparency the biggest challenge last year and next

Marketing for universities: the need for smart marketing data

The slow motion train wreck that is the media rebate and transparency crisis

What can marketers do now to manage brands through the media transparency debate?

The K2 Intelligence Media Report: Rebate-Gate or Stalemate-Gate?

You want transparency from your media agency? Look at your own behaviour first

Is Media Transparency desirable only until it costs advertisers money?

How to increase media agency transparency and accountability

Creating transparency and trust in media – Part 2 “The Advertiser”

Creating transparency and trust in media – Part 1 “The Agency”

Mediacom Saga – The ‘Road To Recovery’ starts with all of us

Trading desks, demand side platforms and programmatic buying explained

Who is your media agency really working for today?

What are the biggest issues facing the media industry?

Have media rebates and kick-backs killed media neutral planning?

3 reasons a financial audit will not give transparency in media buying

Who does your Media Agency really work for?