TrinityP3 consultants have two things in common. First, we love marketing, media, and advertising. More specifically we love great marketing, media, and advertising. What attracts us to working with our clients, is working with people as passionate and committed to demonstrating the power of marketing to deliver results. Secondly, they are experienced experts – at the very least, 10-15 years of specialized practice experience in agencies, marketing teams, and consultancy. And we don’t work in rigid silos – on any project, we will bring the right mix of consultants together from the appropriate practice areas, carrying a range of direct and indirect or transferrable skills and experience, relevant to your project with us.
You can read more information on who we are and what we believe here or explore more details and insights below.

What does your business do to support Mature Workers?

Three pieces of advice for anyone entering the advertising industry

Can brands behave more ethically?