Fake Marketing Dilemmas: The Folly of Making Complex Marketing Issues Simple.

Fake Marketing Dilemmas addresses the oversimplification of complex marketing decisions. The book introduces the concept of a false dilemma, a logical fallacy where situations are presented as an “either/or” choice, ignoring other valid options.

Marketing is inherently complex, involving numerous daily decisions amidst expanding media channels and shrinking budgets. This complexity tempts marketers to reduce decisions to a simple choice between A or B. However, the book cautions against this tendency, noting that focusing on only two options can cause marketers to overlook other solutions that could lead to better results.

Instead, the book suggests that marketing is rarely an “either/or” scenario but more often a combination of options. It warns against those who present marketing decisions as overly simplistic, implying they may be trying to sell a limited solution.

Questions answered in the book:
– The 4Ps or no P?
– Brand purpose or corporate purpose?
– Purpose or profit?
– Top-down or bottom-up budgeting?
– Global or local?
– Top or bottom of the funnel?
– In-house or the outhouse?
– Agile or not?
– Best of breed or one throat to choke?
– Bigger or better?
– Is an agency a cost or value?
– Pay more or less for your agency fees?
– Open tender or closed tender?
– Math or Mad Men?
– Personalising or mass marketing?
– Creative or technology?
– WFH or back to the office?
– Net zero emissions or not?
– Pitch your business before Christmas?