Retainer Models

Why 20% of the agency retainer you are paying is lost to you

Why 20% of the agency retainer you are paying is lost to you

Sitting through another agency presentation of Excel spreadsheets full of agency hours, explaining why they are spending too much time ...
When a full-time agency resource is not a full-time resource

When a full-time agency resource is not a full-time resource

So, when is a full-time equivalent resource in your agency retainer, not a full-time resource? It seems like a redundant ...
How agencies are increasingly profiting from missing people

How agencies are increasingly profiting from missing people

Each year, 600,000 people are reported missing in the USA. Of these, approximately 90% are found either alive or deceased ...
Agency retainers

Ten common problems with agency retainers

Reading the trade media on the trend towards agency project fees, you would think that the agency retainer is dead, ...
Agency retainer agreements

The hidden waste buried inside many agency retainer agreements

While the reported trend is to move away from the resource-based retainer, it continues to be popular with agencies because ...
The hidden flaws in agency timesheets and retainers

The hidden flaws in agency timesheets and retainers

When I worked in Medical Research, there were no time cards or timesheets. They were for the nursing staff and ...
Retainers: good to better, better to best

Retainers: good to better, better to best

Many marketers have moved from media commissions and service fees to retainer-based remuneration models. Yet although retainers often provide a ...
Advertising agency remuneration problems – Retainers

Advertising agency remuneration problems – Retainers

Many advertisers have moved from the old fashion media commission and service fee to retainers based on retaining a set ...