Team Structure – Insights

Team structure is an essential component of building high-performing teams, whether this is within an agency or a marketing department. A well-structured team can improve communication, collaboration and overall productivity, ensuring that the team’s goals and objectives are achieved.

Our resources on this topic are designed to help organisations develop successful and high-performing team structures that align with business goals and are equipped to tackle any challenge.

You can find more information on creating high performing marketing and agency teams here or explore more details and insights below.

belinda-lodge (1)

Managing Marketing: The Trials And Tribulations Of An Advertising Recruiter

Belinda Lodge is the founder and CEO of iPopulate, a well-known recruitment agency for advertising professionals. In a frank and ...
Managing Marketing: The Benefits Of In-House Creative Strategy And Design

Managing Marketing: The Benefits Of In-House Creative Strategy And Design

Tom Donald is the Creative Strategy Lead, and Mick Boston is the Head of Design at Lion in Australia. As ...
Managing Marketing: How To Build A Kick-Ass Advertising Agency

Managing Marketing: How To Build A Kick-Ass Advertising Agency

Peter Levitan is an agency whisperer with experience managing the world’s largest advertising agency, building his own agency, founding two ...
Managing Marketing: High-Performance Agency Teams

Managing Marketing: High-Performance Agency Teams

Within a year of taking the CEO role at Spark Foundry, Imogen Hewitt took this media agency to the top ...
What happens when an agency bites off more than it can chew?

What happens when an agency bites off more than it can chew?

Beware what you wish for, because you just may get your wish. It is an interesting warning. Not just because ...
Bringing marketing and corporate comms together around social media

Bringing marketing and corporate comms together around social media

When the brand and the company share the same name, there are often two groups in the organisation providing its ...
Restructuring your marketing department – the five challenges

Restructuring your marketing department – the five challenges

In a perfect world, marketing strategy, once set, would remain constant while marketing tactics change to meet market, commercial, technical ...
Rethink marketing structures

Why business needs to radically rethink marketing structures

In 2015, retired US Army General, Stanley McChrystal published a book about the operational challenges he faced when, in 2003, ...

Book Review: Team of Teams by General Stanley McChrystal

Okay, so the full title is actually Team of Teams – New Rules of Engagement for a Complex World by ...
Is the structure of your marketing team hindering its success?

Is the structure of your marketing team hindering its success?

On a day to day basis how many times do you stop and think about the structure of your marketing ...

Marc Prichard, the low creative ratio at your agencies is not their fault, it’s yours

Okay, perhaps not yours Marc, but when you recently stated that you would like three quarters of your agencies to ...
marketing function

Is your marketing function centralised, decentralised or distributed?

This is the ninth in a series of one minute videos that address one of the many complex challenges facing marketing, media ...
Org chart

Learn how CEOs & CMOs are restructuring their marketing teams for success – Infographic

Some of the more interesting work we have been undertaking at TrinityP3 in the past five years is designing new ...
Marketing silos

Do marketing silos hinder the effectiveness of your agencies?

Do silo marketing structures hinder the effectiveness of your agencies? In a nutshell, yes. I have previously written about the ...
digital marketing island

Digital marketing strategy: Don’t be Robinson Crusoe on your digital island

Anyone remember this quote from Daniel Defoe’s legendary book, The life and adventures of Robinson Crusoe? “…I must acknowledge, that, ...
Silo based approach

Will your silo based approach turn you into the next Kodak?

A silo is a standalone structure that is used to store grain. It has no other purpose other than to ...
greener pastures600

3 smart ways to make decentralised marketing structures perform better

The grass is always greener. Sometimes, if you read the marketing trade press, it seems that everyone in marketing is ...
Circus trailer

Why marketing is becoming the new ring master of the content strategy

Firstly I want to be very clear of what we are talking about when we refer to content strategy. Because ...